26th July - Update


As we come to the end of another month, we want to update you on the progress we are making at Global Charity Token.


The team of developers working on the platform fixes and upgrades are progressing well. They are currently focusing on ensuring that the lock-in baskets are working correctly to unlock at the right time, and upgrading it to allow people to lock-in at any time of the month; not just within the first five days of a month, as per the previous system.


As mentioned on our official Telegram channel last week, there may be a period of downtime while the developers test and deploy certain aspects of their work. We will communicate these downtimes as best as we can through the Telegram channel.


The UX/UI designer is finalising the platform design; we have a preview below for you to see. Although this is still in progress, it gives you an idea of our new rebranding and what you can expect.


Our new website is taking great shape. We have two designers working on it to ensure the website reflects, not just the rebrand, but also what our mission is at GCT, while keeping regulations in mind. We look forward to showing you progress on that soon.


Finally, we wish to thank you for your patience. We understand that this has been a long journey for everyone and we are doing our best to improve, not just the platform, but the entire concept of the token for all token holders and to ensure that, globally, people will benefit greatly from the charitable element.

GCT Team
July 26, 2024